Thursday, March 05, 2009

Three and half months ago, I carried a luggage back and took off all my clothes which I brought back home. And, I threw it aside happily. Chuckling and chuckling till I can't do it anymore. I'm looking at the luggage bag closely, wondering can I lose it tomorrow so that I could miss the flight. Or typhoon tomorrow to delay the flight. Or or emergency happens, etc death (*touchwood*) Or or UNSW is burnt down or bankcrupt.

How silly I am.

I wish I would have a pleasant journey.

3 months holiday and every lil event were in fact well-spent. Thanks everyone.
I apologized for any ditches I've made.
I apologized for any lies I've said.
I apologized for any harsh words I've thrown.

Sorry but thanks for the memories which were marked on me.

~Bon Voyage~

See you guys in Sydney.


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