Saturday, May 23, 2009


Love is just like a cardioid which is produced as a circle rolling around another a fixed circle. Without a circle rolling, a cardioid cannot be drawn out. Similar to a relationship, without someone making the first move, a relationship cannot be started.

Love also resembles stand-alone risk. Investors hedge the volatility risk to avoid lower return. What about couple? What would they do to avoid the end of the relationship?

Love is also similiar to war, it is easy to start, difficult to end, and impossible to forget.

Love always put you into a miserable world.


I received this email from Tee Ann this afternoon and found it pretty interesting. Indeed, I acted the same way when I was reading it. Have fun :)

12 Ways To Know That You Love Someone‏
You talk with him/her late at night and when you go to bed you still think of him/her.

You walk really slowly when you are with him/her.

You don't feel Ok when he/she is far away.

You smile when you hear his/her voice.

When you look at him/her,you do not see other people around you.You see only him/her.

He/She is everything you want to think.

You realise that you smile every time you look at him/her.

You would do anything to see him/her.

While you have been reading this, there was a person in your mind all the time.

You've been so busy thinking of that person that you didn't notice that number SEVEN is missing.

You are going to check above if that's true and now you are silently laughing to yourself


YilingL said...

wah got graph somemore one!

Ai Mei said...

Hiyaa creativity ma! Go that from wikipedia :P

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