When you know your world only revolves maths and everything is about maths, your time is fully devoted to it regardless of you like it or not. Just be it! My brain is pretty occupied by double, triple, cylindrical and spherical integrals! Nothing but integration! As the theory is getting deeper and deeper, i felt myself do not reach a single mm of the depth. Oh no, I do not mean I should in fact give up, I should try more and more questions to get myself familiar with it. It has been 4 consecutive days and nights, 4 cups of caffein, and the efforts I put on to solve the problems but to no avail. Today is the 5th day on going through the questions and it goes pretty well, out of my expectation though. Finally I understand the sentence, practise makes perfect :)

I don't feel defeated knowing I'm way to dumb to solve the question, I feel proud of myself to have gone through the path this far. I don't raise white flag, I raise determination and confidence. People think I'm different to have chosen this course because they think I have no life, indeed I'm fortunate enough to have family to support me on doing this course though I'm a contradiction. Honestly, I pretty suck at maths, especially the easy matrix or linear algebra.
So how different I am from everyone now?
The answer is, everyone is different.
Do you think you are the most perfect person created by God?
I don't feel defeated knowing I'm way to dumb to solve the question, I feel proud of myself to have gone through the path this far. I don't raise white flag, I raise determination and confidence. People think I'm different to have chosen this course because they think I have no life, indeed I'm fortunate enough to have family to support me on doing this course though I'm a contradiction. Honestly, I pretty suck at maths, especially the easy matrix or linear algebra.
So how different I am from everyone now?
The answer is, everyone is different.
Do you think you are the most perfect person created by God?
I doubt so.
The night Alice craved for Malaysian Food, Curry Laksa
Alice offered her whisky since we worked so hard on our tutorials.
As always, our vintage paste
The ingredients
Edible though, or I would say it's comparable to the restaurant out there that charge me $8 a bowl. Cost of capital is $11, shared by two person and 30% leftover ingredients, does it worth your penny? Do the math!
wei, get a chatbox laaaa...
easier to spam reply ma...
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