Thursday, March 04, 2010

Angus House Japanese Charcoal Steak @ Pavilion KL

When Chinese new year and valentine's day fall on the same day, it somehow resembles a question that would commonly be asked by girls, "me and your mom, who will you pick?" If I were asked this question, the answer definitely stands firmly on my feet. Like duh!

And since Lern and I will not be celebrating valentine's day this year, he made it two days earlier. It doesn't matter to celebrate before or after valentine's day; afterall everyday is valentine's day!

Angus house @ Pavilion KL
Angus House @ Pavilion KL

Angus house @ Pavilion KL

So it was angus, a name that sounds tremendously branded, lavish, posh and exquisite tickles me. I was curious, excited and immediately pestered Lern that it's a MUST to step into this restaurant. Although the interior and exterior give a hint of fine dining restaurant, what matters the most is the food must be awesomely good regardless of the price!

Complimentary bread
Complimentary warm and crunchy bread & butter

Hors d’Ĺ“uvre or appertizer


The soup was creamy and rich. Unfortunately, I was confused with its taste, either carrot or mushroom soup without mushroom!

Foie Gras
Foie Gras Speaciale - RM45

I had my first foie gras at Angus House and to be honest, I didn't quite like it. On the contrary, Lern loved it because it's foie gras thus it needs no further explanation.

Green salad with Japanese dressing

Medium-rare tenderloin steak
Tenderloin steak dinner course 250g - RM115

Lern opted medium-rare with a warm, succulent, and it was really good. Firm on the outside, juicy pink on the inside and I'd almost forgotten it was a medium-rare!


Tenderloin steak
Tenderloin Steak 150g - RM70

I had it prepared well-done that was almost, indeed very much wasted for a tenderloin steak. It was charred on the outside, thoroughly brown and chewy on the inside. Cooking a good steak to this level of doneness is an ultimate challenge. It has to be done slowly on low heat, or else you'll end up with shoe leather. The special Japanese sauce was minimal but too much of sauce might overpower the original taste of beef. Though not a waygu or kobe, the tenderloin captured me well. The first bite has convinced me that I shouldn't penalize steak as it was luxurious. Yumz yumz! If only you remember this, I don't eat steak.


Lern & I
Yours truly :)

Overall, the dinner ended very well and I wasn't feeling full nor hungry;it was on par which I always like it this way :) The extensive menu offers choices of dinner set that range from RM60++ (includes a 150g Hamburg steak) to RM300++ (for prime cuts) and covers hors d’oeuvres, soup, salad, rice or bread and dessert. Prices are slightly steep, but let's look at the prospective of good quality steak they serve. At some restaurants, you might end up paying high for a crappy steak! So, have a try when you're ready for high distinction steak!


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