I should be sleeping by now, and wake up in 2 hours time. Mind couldn't rest, and I'm looking at the wall, waiting for the time to pass. I should be feeling excited, or happy, or nervous. In fact, I'm not. The combined feelings do not seem to be mixed well and I do not what's rolling inside my mind. I'm confused. I'm depressed. Friends have been telling me I should be happy and leave everything aside. Perhaps I could sense that the exact feeling that I'd been passing through for 4 months would all reboot again. I do not want to leave, I do not want to undergo the same depression training again. Are they all I want? Or is just me myself who can't afford to lose everything?
In fact, I should look forward at the things I need to do when I touch down. First and for all, I would be meeting the loved one and family. Later, mamak!
Sleep now or knock out later?
Shopping was really AWESOME. But, damages was disaster. Daddy will question me on bank balance soon! DIE DIE DIE

My 20th @ Arthur's Pizza & Max Brenner

I heart my pressie

~Bon Voyage~