Think. Wise. Responsible.
Every now and then, I wish I could remake another decision. Speaking of decision, does anyone clearly understands what it defines? "the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt". Truth to be told, I've never understand what does decision mean. That doesn't imply I'm stupid, it proves clearly that I'm not a wise decision-maker for I don't know what a decision means. Often, people ask,
"where do you want to eat?
"I don't know lar. Anything!"
"means? Quick! Where to eat?"
"I don't know lar. Anything will do."
"no, you gotta make a decision!"
Whenever the word decision come across my mind, I would immediately pause for few mins. In the end, there isn't any verdict also for I do not know what to decide and how to decide. Making decision is the toughest task ever, though it may seems or supposedly easy as ABC. I've never make a wise decision, in fact, NEVER in my life. Even if I do, it would always be the regretful decision. I have difficulties in making decision on shopping, eating, sleeping, studying, spending money and lastly, my future. I wish I had a wiseman to tell me, what is the easiet route, easiest path, easiest way to succeed. I wish they actually exist, but impossible. The root to succeed is tough, but the fruit is sweet. Without knowing how to plant a fruit, how can you possibly get a sweet fruit? I always pester myself this question, if you don't study smart, how can you obtain good grades? Indeed, this is what parents often advise us when we were young. I wish I was a small lil girl now. Get what I demand as long I get good results. Mum has never pampered me with toys even thou I bring back excellent marks, cause what she thought was, it's not perfect yet. So what's perfect? Score 100%?
Daddy has always be supportive to me. For once and only once, he allows me to make decision on what and where do I want to study. My first decision is OVERSEAS (it's always everybody's desire). When I mention States, Mum got over-reacted and strongly against it. Dad has never complained about it, indeed he permitted cause he knew his daughter knows what is she doing. As I grow older, i tend to change another plan and make a brand new decision. I thought i've made the best decision but it wasn't. And dad advised on me again, to think before making decision, to do research first before making decision. Come on, it's a only a decision, why do we need to be so troublesome? I never listen, in fact, I never bother listening. I stand firm on my decision, for I know, I've made the right decision.
And so, Today, I caused myself in deep shiet by making the ever right decision that I always thought I had. Today, I understand I can't always, or forever be materialistic anymore. Today, the lesson has taught me how important a decision is and how it effect me. Making decision is forever a big responsibility for everyone. You decide what you want, but you need to be responsible for it.
Now I really understand what the definition of decision. It involves thinking wisely and be responsible for the consequences that occur. It's something that you should be aware of, and highly recommended to discuss before making decision. I wish I could take up making-decision courses to truly and deeply understand it.
Finally, I've made a wise decision.
Decision, can I have second chance again?
Tell me, decision, should I go to Canberra this weekends? To holiday or to study?
I wish I was in Starbucks now.
Drinking my all time fav caffe Mocha, studying for tmr's test, playing Click Five's songs,
Just like how I used to do in Malaysia.
Isn't that great?
Can't starbucks have their branch at Kingsford?