"oh shit!" said Shan.
"SHAN!!!!" I screamed.
My smart housemate has just switched off the power that she ain't suppose to. I was almost finish typing this entry. And now, I'm typing again. Can't xanga has this feature "auto-save every 5 seconds"? Wtf. let's get it started.
At times, I wish everything was just a dream.
Fight, confidence, battle, in the end, it was just towards death.
I feel so defeated after a month here.
Studies, Love, Friends, Family, and
I miss home every seconds,
Food, clothes, mamak, girls, gossips, holidays, and
For those who are studying at local uni, it's a blessing that you can go home every weekend.
I feel so envious.
I'm so tired of everything.
Deep down.....
It tremendously hurts.
But, F*ck it!
After sitting for 4 consecutive tests, I'm gonna shop, shop, shop and
Bondi Junction, Westfield, David Jones, Myer, French Connection, Opera House, Fish Market, Harbour Bridge, whatever that makes me go weeeeeeeeeeeee.
P/S: Alicia Keys and Special Guest, Jordin Sparks are hitting Sydney, anyone?

Doll-E, afterall I'm not sick of everything anymore.
It's just "maybe my love will come back someday" makes me sick!
And it was you watching Wall-E without me that makes me even sicker!
I wanna watch wall-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I shall continue be hardworking mickey.

, Ai Mei